Deliverable D4.1 has been published

The Dissemination, standardization and awareness plan for the METAWIRELESS project, also registered as deliverable D4.1 of Work Package 4 (WP4), has been published.

On the one hand, the purpose of the document is to provide a plan for the dissemination of the activities and results of the project, including also activities of public involvement. The aim is to increase interest in research results, targeting relevant groups such as the scientific community, industry, stakeholders and the general public on the METAWIRELESS project.

On the other hand, the aim is to outline the communication and public involvement strategies of the project and the range of channels that will be used to promote METAWIRELESS with dedicated messages suitable for the wide target audience.


File Date added File size Downloads
pdf METAWIRELESS_Deliverable4.1_Dissemination_v2 August 2, 2021 8:44 am 381 KB 1189