Technical Approach

Project Timeline

The execution and implementation of MetaWireless is organized in three macro phases.

Phase-1 (M1-M6): This phase focuses on all activities to get MetaWireless up and running before ESRs’ recruitment. During this phase, the grant agreement, consortium agreement (CA), partner agreement are signed, the e-TP is setup, the management bodies (e.g. supervisory board (SB), recruitment committee (RC)) are formed, an administrative assistant is recruited, the ESRs’ recruitment is finalized (as per the recruitment procedure described below).

Phase-2 (M7-M42): ESRs recruitment is finalized. Research & training activities start. All training, dissemination, public engagement, and any other activities that foresee ESRs’ contribution based on their PCDP are executed (e.g. submitting deliverables). ESRs’ projects are delivered to TUW at M40. MetaWireless simulator is finalized at M42.

Phase-3 (M43-M48): At M43, ESRs’ contracts with the beneficiaries have ended. The beneficiaries will prepare all final reports and all financial statements to be submitted to the EC by M48. Notably, beneficiaries/POs will coordinate MetaWireless’s spinoffs EuI-MetaWireless and EuGS-MetaWireless (Sec. 2), which are planned to be operational at M49, just after the end of MetaWireless, as a tangible outcome to structure EU doctoral/early-stage research.

Work Packages

The research objectives of MetaWireless will be achieved in WP1, which carries out the 15 research challenges listed below. The project also has WP2, WP3, WP4, for training, management, and dissemination/outreach.


WP  No.

Work Package Title Activity Type Lead Part. Number Lead Beneficiary Short Name Start  Month End Month

ESRs involvement


Theoretical and Applied Research RTD 8 NOK M7 M42



Training TRAIN 3 CNRS M1 M48



Management MGNT 1 CNIT M1 M48


4 Dissemination, Standardization, Outreach DIS 7 NEC M1 M48



WP 1: Theoretical and Applied Research Start – End Month: M7 – M42 WP Leader / Beneficiaries: NOK / All
Objectives: Achieving all project research objectives:

  • AAL-1: Multi-function reconfigurable meta-surface structures for wireless networks
  • DEM-1: Large bandwidth and multi-band RIS designs for high frequency bands
  • GRW-1: Integrated communication and sensing meta-surfaces for wireless networks
  • WUP-1: Meta-surfaces for low-complexity transmitter design in RIS-based wireless networks
  • AAL-2: Equivalent circuital models for meta-surface structures
  • CNIT-1: Radio resource allocation in RIS-based wireless networks
  • CNRS-1: Electromagnetic modeling of signal propagation in RIS-Based wireless networks
  • UPF-1: Information-theoretic performance limits of RIS-based wireless networks
  • CNIT-2: Localization and sensing through meta-surface structures
  • CNRS-2: Modeling and optimization of large-scale RIS-based wireless networks
  • KTH-1: Algorithms for channel estimation and low-feedback overhead in RIS-based wireless networks
  • NEC-1: Scalable software-configurable large-scale intelligent radio environments
  • NOK-1: Ray-tracing module for RIS-based wireless networks
  • TUW-1: Open-access system-level simulator for RIS-based wireless networks
  • TID-1: Real-time engine for orchestrating the control plane in RIS-based wireless networks
Deliverable D1.1 / D1.2 / D1.3 / D1.4 (M24): Intermediate report on the activities and results of Task 1.1, Task 1.2, Task 1.3, Task 1.4.

Deliverable D1.5 / D1.6 / D1.7 / D1.8 (M40): Final report on the activities and results of Task 1.1, Task 1.2, Task 1.3, Task 1.4.

Deliverable D1.9 / D1.10 (M26 / M42): Intermediate and Final report and software on MetaWireless System-Level Simulator.


WP 2: Training Start – End Month: M1 – M48 WP Leader / Beneficiaries:: CNRS / All
Objectives: Organizing all training events, schools and courses. Set up training tools and platforms to enable remote training.
Deliverable D2.1 / D2.2 / D2.3 / D2.4 (M12 /M24 / M36 / M48): Yearly report on the execution of the training activities in year one / two / three / four.


WP 3: Management Start – End Month: M1 – M48 WP Leader / Beneficiaries:  CNIT / All
Objectives: Monitoring the project performance and outcome, assessing the quality of results, resolving potential conflicts, ensuring the project runs according to the contract, encouraging collaboration among partners. Coordinating the writing and submission of deliverables.
Deliverable D3.1 (M6): Consortium agreement signed by all beneficiaries, detailing all recruitment and supervision arrangements, IPRs, etc.

Deliverable D3.2 (M10): Partnership agreement signed by all POs and beneficiaries.

Deliverable D3.3 (M6): Supervisory Board of the Network.

Deliverable D3.4 (M12):  First Progress Report.


WP 4:  Dissemination, Standardization, Outreach Start – End Month: M1 – M48 WP Leader / Beneficiaries: NEC / All
Objectives: Develop and record a strategy and framework for the successful advertisement/impact of all achievements of the project.
Deliverable D4.1 (M6): Dissemination, standardization and outreach plan for all relevant activities.

Deliverable D4.2 / D4.3 / D4.4 / D4.5 (M12 / M24 / M36 / M48): Dissemination, standardization, outreach activities for year one / two / three / four.