Course: Developing effective research papers and presentations

Title of the course: Developing effective research papers and presentations

Lead Organizer: UPF

Date: 18/2/22 – 4/3/22

Brief biography of the instructor: Lisa Mann has enjoyed a long career in the field of applied linguistics as an author’s editor, translator, instructor of academic and business English, teacher trainer and professional development facilitator for international researchers and educators. She has collaborated with universities and research institutes in countries all over the world as both an editor and a research writing instructor.

Feedback Questionnaire


Program, Table of contents & Approach and Objective

  1. FRI 18.02.22 09:00-13:00 CEST
  2. WED 23.02.22 09:00-13:00 CEST
  3. FRI 25.02.22 09:00-13:00 CEST
  4. WED 02.03.22 09:00-13:00 CEST
  5. FRI 04.03.22 09:00-13:00 CEST
Table of contents of the course
Structure of a research article Participants will examine and deconstruct several models to identify the standard sections of a research article and what they include and do not include.
Academic language focus Participants will be guided to notice the language structures and expressions used in each section of a typical research article, and will work with peers and the instructor to brainstorm additional examples for each function. They will explore practical resources (academic word lists, collocation dictionary, common expression lists, etc.) and make use of them throughout the writing and revision process.

They will also look at examples of common pitfalls in academic writing and how to avoid them, applying these solutions to their own writing and recommending modifications to their peers’ writing when needed.

Writing and peer review Participants will be given time to write short sections of an academic article and experiment using some of the language content explored in these workshops. They will share their work with partners who will use a series of guiding questions to identify weaknesses and any areas that are unclear and need further or improved explanation.
Research presentations Participants will learn to present research clearly, concisely and confidently. They will prepare a very brief presentation and provide feedback on their peers’ presentations.
Approach and Objective
The workshop series will make use of a learner-centered, task-supported approach, in which participants will be encouraged to engage with relevant materials and model texts and interact with peers to understand the structure of a research paper, recognize common language in academic writing in English, and practice writing the various sections of a standard article.

By the end of this twenty-hour workshop series, participants will:

  • Be familiar with the organizational structure of a research article and the content of each section.
  • Have expanded their repertoires of common expressions in academic English to use in each of the typical sections found in a research article.
  • Have practiced writing and reviewing parts of each of the sections of an academic article.
  • Have gained practice in confidently presenting your research in English.