Title of the course: Strategies, methods and best practices in order to create an effective CV and improve communication and teamwork skills
Lead Organizer: WUP
Date: 28/10/22 – 25/11/22
Instructor: Maria Cristina Addis (University of Siena, belong.in)
Program, Table of contents, Approach and Objective
Program and Table of contents | |
October 28
Module 1: Creating an effective CV #1 – contents |
14h-15h: frontal lecture Introduction to the course. General overview of written, oral and multimedia communication. Main concepts, rules and tools for effective communication.15h-16h: lab Collective brainstorming exercise aimed at gaining full awareness with respect to the value of one’s knowledge, experience and skills, including and especially those that are implicit or that the student considers secondary or irrelevant.16h-17h: individual exercises led by the lecturer Basing on the elements that emerged during the brainstorming session, students will be asked to edit an exhaustive list related to: • educational (formal and informal), professional, extra-professional experiences, other skills; • one’s strengths and weaknesses in professional, academic, and interpersonal areas; • one’s strengths and weaknesses with respect to: accuracy, punctuality, teamwork skills, stress resistance, mediation skills.17h-18h: review of the exercises |
November 4
Module 2: Creating an effective CV #2 – layout and communication styles |
14h-15h: frontal lecture Elements of graphic communication. Criteria for layout selection and composition. Writing styles.15h-16h: practice – short individual writing and layout exercises16h-17.30h: individual exercises led by the lecturer Based on the previous lessons and exercises, students will be asked to write a “comprehensive CV”. It is a kind of “personal archive” that can be drawn on to draft customized CVs: it should contain all the useful information and always be up-to-date, in order to let students have a base to draw on to quickly produce CVs profiled on the company/university they are intended for and the type of job the students are applying for.17.30h-18h: review of the exercises |
November 11
Module 3: Creating an effective CV #3 – profiling the CV |
14h-15h: frontal lecture Overview of the main CV typologies: Chronological CV, Skills-based CV, Academic CV, Teaching CV, Technical CV for IT jobs, Law CV, Video CV.15h-16h: individual exercises led by the lecturer Basing on the previous lessons and exercises, students will be asked to write a Chronological CV.16h-17h: frontal lecture How to write a cover letter17h-18h: individual exercises led by the lecturer Basing on the previous lessons and exercises and with the support of the lecturer, students will be asked to write a cover letter. |
November 18
Module 4: Public speaking and body language |
14h-15h: frontal lecture Overview on the main rules and best practices in oral communication and public speaking. Focus on video CV.15h-16h: practice – collective exercises of public speaking16h -17h: individual exercises led by the lecturer Building on the previous lectures and exercises and with the support of the lecturer, students will be asked to script and record a video CV of up to 4 minutes in length.17h-18h: review of the exercises |
November 25
Module 5: performing a job interview |
14h-15h: frontal lecture Main rules and strategies for an effective job interview.15h-16h: simulation #1 – knowing the target, preparing the speaking (collective exercise) An hi profile international company will be selected by the lecturer in order to carry out a job interview simulation. Basing on the company web site and other information available on web and provided by the teacher, students will be led to identify all relevant information to best profile their performance and list any possible questions and answers.16h-18h: simulation #2 – simulating a job interview In turn, each of the students will simulate a 5-minute job interview, basing it on the exercises done earlier and the rules provided at the beginning of the module. At the end of each interview, they will receive feedback from the lecturer and other participants. |
Approach and Objective | |
The course adopts innovative teaching based on high student participation and alternation between theoretical lectures and individual and collective exercises. This structure is aimed at practicing rules and good practices of teamwork and collective brainstorming across the topics addressed in the 5 modules.
The slides of each lecture will be made available to students at the end of each lecture in order to progressively compose an e-learning kit that students can reuse after the end of the course. |