UPS – Université Paris-Saclay

UPS is a new university comprising higher educational institutions and research organizations, including the CNRS ( UPS includes 5,000 doctoral students of whom 45% are international students. The 20 Doctoral Schools of UPS, that cover all scientific domains, form a Doctoral College whose goal is to define a common doctoral policy and implement high standards and effective governance. The Doctoral College has also created a common charter for doctoral students based on European recommendations. UPS is committed to deliver the Doctorate degrees and signs the agreement on joint international supervision of Doctoral Thesis for Ph.D. students recruited by the CNRS and/or by other beneficiaries of the project. It provides training on scientific and complementary skills as well (open days, etc.). UPS is signatory of the European charter for researchers and code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers.

UPS will enroll into its Ph.D. program the ESRs hired by CNRS and NOK.

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