- Name: Georgios
- Surname: Mylonopoulos
- Gender: Male
- Birthdate: 26/05/1997
- Nationality: Greek
- Institutional email address: georgios.mylonopoulos@unicas.it
Short Biography
Mr. Georgios Mylonopoulos, born in Greece, completed high school in Melbourne, Australia in 2015 and joined the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece for an integrated master’s on “Electrical and Computer Engineering” in 2016. The duration of the degree was 5 years, during which Mr. Mylonopoulos chose the specialization of Telecommunications after 3 years of core studies. Mandatory requirement for the completion of the degree was the production of an original master’s thesis. Mr. Mylonopoulos, under the supervision of Professor Antonios Dimitriou analyzed and developed a ‘track and follow’ system for an RFID equipped, autonomously moving robot, using an SD-PDOA estimator and a Particle Filtering Algorithm. An excerpt of his thesis was presented in the 2021 IEEE RFID TA Conference and published in the conference proceedings. Mr. Mylonopoulos has also conducted numerous projects throughout his academic career on subjects such as “Applications of Telecommunication Devices”, “Topics in Propagation and Radio-links” etc. His software skills include, but are not limited to: Matlab, Python, C++, Spice and Auto-CAD. Mr. Mylonopoulos received his master’s degree on 25/08/2021 with an overall Grade of “Very Good”: 8.14.
- Project Title: Localization and sensing through meta-surface structures
- Host Institution: CNIT
- Ph.D. Enrollment: UNICLAM
- Ph.D. University Advisors: Dr. Stefano Buzzi, Dr. Carmen D'Andrea, Dr. Giovanni Interdonato